Hi Kids! I'm METRO the Citi Field unicorn brought to you by SNY and the Acela Express!
Great news kids, we only lost by 2 runs today instead of 9! 78 year old Miguel Batista left the game after pitching just 2 innings because of a sore back. Golly gosh that sure sounds like it smarts:( Metro has never been in any pain of any kind and my age is timeless. So, I literally have no idea what he must be going through. But, I bet he's working on a swell poem to tell us about his feelings:)
Metro has an idea! Let's all write a get well poem for Miguel!
Here's Metro's!
Rose Are Red,
The Mets Wear Blue,
I'm Going To Duane Reade To Buy Some Doan's Pills For You!
Feel Better Miguel!
The Mets tried real hard to come back in the top of the 9th when Scott Hairston walked and then Mike Baxter hit a double but was called out at second base because of Canadian rules. It seems the rules for baseball are different in Canada and you don't have to tag a runner to get him out, you just have to make a good wave at him. Traveling to a foreign country is neat and you learn so much. Like last night did you notice that every home run hit off Jon Niese was a kilometer long? That's a neato Metro fact! Metro also learned that grass in Canada is not real and much harder for the grounds crew to clean up when Metro poops on it. Sorry my new Canadian friends!
I love you all and may you all have sweet dreams till Sunday. And remember METRO says: STAY POSITIVE!